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Hi everybody,

I hope Bela won't mind if I answer before she can...

Here is a very nice site she built :
I just discovered it (I only knew a few pages of it) and the "how to pronounce Serge Lutens" really made me laugh ! I'm glad I've always pronounced it right.

Enjoy enjoy !!
I just remembered: you can contact our other memeber Bela. She has an internet site where she describes all of the scents and the difference between all ranges is clearly identified ! Unfortunately, I don't know the adress of this site.
Hello Bonnie,

Sorry for my late reply... All of the Serge Lutens creations from the export range can be found outside of Paris ! If you ever travel in France or in Belgium, in some shops, you'll find them !

Unfortunately, there is no official site for those fragrances. And as far as I know, not much documentation exists in english appart from the links referenced to you by Céline (and those sites offer a description I don't always agree with but it is a good start). Céline is building up a site dedicated to Serge Lutens (not only his work of art among perfumes) but I believe there will be little information in English... it represents so much work to translate and type every other page included in the site !

I really agree with all of the above. Serge has created some incredible fragrances based on natural ingredients from the vegetal world: Un Lys is very feminine and flowery and white and it is truly long lasting... Tubéreuse Criminelle is very strong, very special and you may not want to wear it among people. It is quite a statement from a lady !

From the export range, Fleurs de Citronniers, Un Lys are very interesting, considering all you wrote here above ("light and green": try Un Lys!!!). I would strongly recommend you try those. Clair de Musc is very white and powdery but no green note at all. It goes from flowery-white to mineral-white. Clair de Musc is very strange and like nothing else in that category ! The musc is so pure in it you'll love the base notes !

As for the price, strangely enough, it is cheaper to buy from the Shiseido shop in Paris the fragrances from the exclusive line (75ml) compared to the export range (50ml). And for the export range, price can vary depending on the shop. They are not to be found in airports.

Feel free to come up with other questions, requests, ...

Take care,
Thank you for you vivid descriptions of the scents! I certainly do not wish to feel disgust or pain. But it's good they last a long time.
I've got a lot of info from you all, and have to digest it now in order to have my mind clear when going shopping!
Also I need to browse a bit on the other posts on this board, just to get an idea.
Looking forward trying the suggestions.
Greetings Bonnie
Datura noir is quite similent of Tubéreuse criminelle . In both cases, they have a very strong flower smell, with an exotic note, and something which could give to you in the long time a sensation of disgust and pain...

On the other hand, they are also quite hypnotic. So I am glad to get Datura noir in my SL collection (it was a present), but I never used it at the time.

And yes, Fumerie turque is smoky, with a little sugar note.
What kind of perfum can you get for 30 € ? That's funny !

I believe there's chocolate in Datura Dream (or do I dream ?). I've never liked that perfume but it really depends on the kind of skin you have. I cannot tell you much about Sa Majesté la Rose and Datura, but you can easily try them in France, at Sephora (on the Champs Elysées) or Marionnaud.

Fumerie Turque IS smocky in my opinion...

Almost all SL's perfumes last quite a long time...
Wonderful suggestions-thank you all! I have to get busy reading about them!!!

Etro?-I've read about it and got a sample from US-but don't know it at all. Can it be found in Paris???

You must have in mind that Denmark is a very small country-also parfume-wise. Shops here only carry the same brands-almost- as in "duty-free". Women here are still very conservative with their scents. Tresor and Red Door are the favorites and I know of no one who'll pay more than max 30€ for a scent-and that's already too much.
I learned about SL through the web-plus about a lot of other great scents I never dreamed of existed.

Sa Majeste la Rose and Datura Noir-the decriptions imply I might like them too-can anybody decribe them as if they are dominant or lasting/ fading scents? Fumerie Turque-heavy or "just" smoky?

Greetings Bonnie
Yes, Cuir Mauresque is a very good choice for autumn and winter !
Hello Bonnie, and welcome

I would recommend you the same fragances as Celine and Cuauhtli but maybe you might also like Cuir Mauresque in the SPRS range, Daim Blond in the export range or Heliotrope from Etro. These three are warm and comforting fragances for the winter without being heavy or overpowering.
Thank you for your responses and links! To Cuauhtli: you write English far better than I write French, and you are certainly very comprehendable.
I think I understand a little what La Myrrhe is about, and I liked it very much I-to me it is not as heavy a scent-more "dark" and warm.
Are there any other similar warm scents like that one for the winter??
Thanks in advance.
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