Sujet : Serge Lutens on Odorize Deodorize | | Posté le 09-05-2005 ŕ 17:45:25
| Everything is scented yet nothing has a smell any longer! Today, odorise and deodorise have the same meaning. An arsenal for the carnival of the fifth sense. Candles, sprays, pot-pourris, disseminators, deodorants...all create their falsehoods, cigars masked by jasmine and onion camouflaged under many of these mutant couples invade our every day life. Yet an open window remains an ideal solution, just as a bath remains a ritual before wearing perfume. Whatever it's quality, deodorant is a perfume which won't confess it's name. If one refuses perfume, it can be bought under another name. Marketing? There is a great marketing which is built around creation, generous progressive. It prepares the future intelligently and masters it. Claiming to hold the same function, others build a new universe of mediocrity around their own fears which they name consumers. Absence of smell seems to have become a king of angst which, according to the individual, can be transformed into the very idea of a 'bad smell'. Our time flees from the slightest possibility of finding reality through smell, it fears it, avoids it's memory. A taste for perfume can only exist through awareness of places, matters, beings...If this is not the case, perfume can disapear. It harms the senses more than it activates them. |